Friday, October 18, 2019

The Dance Theatre of Harlem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Dance Theatre of Harlem - Essay Example In stark contrast you find Return of the Firebird. The somewhat docile mood that is set in this ballet seems to reign supreme throughout the performance. The main drawback being a total lack of enthusiasm by the performers who seem to be actually controlled by the strings of a puppet master rather than their own minds. This garnered a bored feeling as the ballet wore on, seeming to last a lifetime although it was short by many standards. The movements are thoughtful and full of grace, even past the less then perfect planning. One finds themselves staring at the wonderful fluid movements as passion is arisen in the dancer. The supporting members do little to help this master of the dance, but little help is needed. Fall River Legend more than makes up for the loss in Return of the Firebird. The greatly talented staffs of dancers move as one, making the watcher think of a graceful flock of birds evading a predator. The content of these two ballets is no match. The main point of Return of the Firebird seems to be the same old tired love story, terribly overdone in all forms of theatre. When you consider the dark theme that Fall River Legend brings out, you find yourself in a place that few people have gone with the arts. Drawing from the historical data that is available, the writers were able to portray the event

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