Thursday, October 17, 2019

Destination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Destination - Essay Example A local tourism destination can be simply defined as a physical space where a visitor spends at least one overnight, and it includes tourism products such as attractions and support services and other tourism resources. The physical and administrative boundaries of the destination define its management whereas images and perceptions define its market competitiveness. In the current context of growing tourism sector contribution to the economic development of a region, an integrated management approach based on collective vision and strong leadership is vital to augment the scope of the destination. Destination management is an integral part of tourism development because this process is inevitable to meet the needs of foreign as well as domestic visitors effectively. According to the World Tourism Organisation, â€Å"destination management is the co-ordinated management of all the elements that make up a destination (attractions, amenities, access, marketing, and pricing.† (WH O, 2007, p. 4). Effective and joined destination management is beneficial to avoid duplication of efforts in relation to promotion, visitor services, training, and business support. In addition, destination management is a potential approach to identify management gaps that are not being addressed (Ibid, p.4). Hager and Sung (2011) claim that the concept of destination management delivers a range of benefits to the community as well as the economy and is particularly vital to respond positively to the growing need for multidisciplinary strategies aimed at local, regional, and national level tourism. In addition, destination management is beneficial to establish a competitive edge and to promote tourism sustainability. Furthermore, this collaborative management concept can assist tourism destinations to build a strong and vibrant identity. However, destination management is not a simple task as it requires extensive and collaborated efforts

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