Monday, October 14, 2019

Introduction To External Migration And Internal Migration Marketing Essay

Introduction To External Migration And Internal Migration Marketing Essay Migration is the movement of people across a specified boundary for the purpose of establishing a new or semi-permanent residence. Migration included external migration and internal migration (Indepth Network, 2008). And this article would talk about the international migration (external migration), it means people migrate across the land and sea from different nations. There are some advantages of migration. First, people can enjoy a better living environment and a democratic, progressive and safety society which cannot get in their original country. Safety is the very important for persons to consider migration. Especially for people whose original countries are suffering a native disaster or social instability, like economy problem and progressive problem. At this time, they would like restart doing everything rather than stay in danger. Migration is the best choice to them (Tonita, 2010). Secondly, offer children an advanced education. Except that, for the rich Chinese immigrates, they would feel more safety, their money also would be taken care. Second, for some businessmen, migration offers a chance to develop their business. And live in other country, they can experience a cultural diversity and expand their living experiences, which would be easy for them to communication with others in business. There could be some possible drawbacks to immigrants. First, for most of countries, it reduces the skill people, like doctor, lawyer and accountant. And it leads to an environment where develop knowledge and resource is lost to another country. Secondly, if they do not have skill which country economy needs, it would be so hard for them to find or look for a job. And because of the high unemployment and less friend would create a very crime rate. Next, for kids migrate with their parentsat the early time. They are no longer acquiringtheir native language and custom (Attachment across culture, 2010).Moreover, sometimes during the process of migration, separation family members occurred immediately. Sometimes members migrate first, and others follow a few months or years later. That cause a lot of parents and children are separated in different countries (Attachment across culture, 2010). At this time, migration is not a good thing for them, they may lose their relationship, even worse, and immigration would destroy peoples life. Next, language is a biggest problem for them. Not all the people can migrate to countries which speak the same language with their hometown. So when they move to the country, they must overcome the language problem first. After migration, they will always experience some culture shock. By living, sometimes, they have to restart learning all the things. Like, language and skills, even they are not willing to. With Australia as an example, when people migrate to Australia, they must learn English that can ensure they can work and live well. Last, with so many immigrants move to the big city, it is so difficult to balance between males and females of the city population. Also cause the problems for the city, the city has to extensive housing programs and expand its water, electricity and communication facilities to meet all peoples needs (Arce and Alvarez, 2010). In my view, I disagree that people would abandon and corrupted the traditional valuesafter migration. This is because when we move to another place, we must adapt to the culture of the host country. This process of adapting is known as acculturation.Acculturation is the process of adjusting to the host culture by adopting its values, symbols and/or behaviour (Dwyer, 1999, p.25). Acculturation does not mean people will abandon their own traditional culture but they accept each others culture. For example, most Chinese move to USA, they usually would adapt to the new environment to meet the needs of studying, working and living. But that does not present they forget their traditional values. We still can see a lot of Chinatown around the world in different big cities. Chinatown is the place for most Chineseliving  together, and at that place, they open a lot of Chinese style shops.  In the Chinatowns of all over the world, we do not only see the Chinese. We see tourists and also the local people live, eat and shop there. This promotes cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is the recognition of cultural differences and acceptance that each social group has its own set of cultural norm(Dwyer, 1999, p. 26). The people who come to Chinatown accept the Chinese culture and they are fine with it.   Like, Chinese restaurant.   That is one of the ways for them to keep  the traditional things. Besides, they also celebrate the Chinese Traditional Days to develop their original culture. Like, Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival. And for Chinese people, wherever they are, Spring Festival is the biggest event, so, it is being celebrated all over the world in different way. And it is very good to see the Chinese culture on display. In Singapore, most of Singaporean is Chinese; they celebrate the Chinese New Year by a series of activities. For instance, lion dance. Chinese food is also very famous in the world. No matter where Chinese are; most of them develop the Chinese restaurant. And it is a very good opportunity to show world the Chinese culture with Chinese food. Besides for many businessman, the growing international business acquired them to work overseas as part of their career. And the key of their career success depends on the communication skill in an intercultural environment (Himstreet and Baty, 1987). In conclusion, people would not lose their traditional and core values after migration; they still can develop their culture and spread to the world. However, immigrants also need to learn new things to make sure get involved to the local and climb social ladder. Reference List Arce,W., and Alvarez, G.(1983), Population Change in Southeast Asia, Insitute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Dwyer, J. (1999), Communication in Business: strategies and skills, Prentice Hall Australia Pty Ltd, Australia by Star Printery, Erskineville, NSW. Himstreet, W C., and Baty, W M. (1987), Business Communications, 8thedn, PWS-Kent Publishing Company, United States of America. Indepth Network (2008), Migration definition, viewed on 26 August 2010, . N.D, Impact of Migration,viewed on 26 August 2010, . Tonita, H. (2010), why do people immigrate to other countries?viewed on 26 August 2010, . Essay 2: Social network refer to a Web platform where people can build relationship with others who share the same interest, ideals, thoughts, activities and information (Powell, 2009; Safko and Brake, 2009). It offers a new way to communicate. The internet and online networking have come along way. Today, Internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people to gather and share first-hand information and experiences (Information Organizations in Asia and Oceania, 2010). Social networking websites like an online community of Internet users. And Facebook, Twitter and MySpace are the most popular and influence online social network system. These tools sometimes include more than 500 million registered users that host more than millions of photographs, such as Facebook (Facebook, 2010). And they aimed to help people to connect and socialize with one another. Whether you are from a small organisation or a multinational corporation, social network are changing the way we do business. Anyone can join in it for free. Besides, it can create a lot of new business opportunity in producing, distributing, communication. Thus, social networking is becoming most important strategy to develop your business. The reasons why companies spend a lot in social networking, because rely on the social network sites, like Facebook and Twitter are the ways to reach their customers and help them build the public relationship. But for different size company, they may use different kind of social networking. For large company, like Dell and Starbucks, they can spend millions of dollars, even setting a department to take care of their social networking. But for a small or poor company, they also can use free social networking sites, like, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. With Facebook as an example, businesses on Facebook may connect with members in a number of ways : Online Adverting, Facebook Connect and Customer Applications. Starbucks is another innovative company using social networking to build customer loyalty and mine innovative ideas from its customers (Hartley, 2010, p. 30). Starbucks has one of the best social media strategies. The most major online community they use are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. You can find their Facebook page, and if you are a twitter user, you also can find them in Twitter. Besides, Customers who register their Starbucks card not only get special discounts on drink and food, but also access to the Internet to provide feedback. My Starbucks Ideatheir own social network site In March 2008, Starbucks launched their own social media site called The My Starbucks Idea blog ( Readers are allowed to share suggestions, vote and discuss posted ideas, and see the most popular ideas would be highlighted and have been implemented. (Starbucks Corporation, 2010) Starbucks Blog called Ideas in Action. It is a part of My Starbucks Idea website. This blog is written by various Starbucks employees and talks about what Starbucks is doing with the ideas given by users on the My Starbucks Idea site. This blog let the reader know what happening with their ideas and increase the loyalty to this brand. Starbucks on Twitter Starbucks uses twitter every day to connect people and get heard. Until Today, Starbucks has over 1 million followers (Twitter, 2010). Twitter is a place for Starbucks to provide the better customer service. By using twitter to answer questions and retweets to communicate with the Starbucks fans and customers. Twitter also helps it to spread the news from the company. Every time, when Starbucks launch a new product, we always can find the related photo and articles link from Twitter at the first time. Besides, it helped to engaged consumers. Starbucks has already participated in Twitters promoted Tweets program, it means advertised sponsored link in twitter by paying money. (Rao, L, 2010) Starbucks using twitter as a promotional tool. And it offers discounts and promotions to users who retweet their message, thus making use of the word-of-mouth that currently exists on Twitter. Starbucks on Facebook Starbucks Facebook page has 10 million fans (Facebook, 2010), when they update their company their page, their fans would notice. And Facebook is a great social network site to organise the events, they use it to organise the real events. Besides, Starbucks also using the Facebook discussion with fans to talk about the products and service and announce the latest news. Starbucks also provide a promotion for free pastry on its Facebook pages, which let customer can find a coupon for free pastry with a purchase a coffee drink. Starbucks created a photo gallery, and post a lot of pictures not only the just latest coffee, but also got partners (staffs) and customers in it. Except that, they also put Howard (the CEO of Starbuck)s latest picture to close with the customers. Starbucks also  advertises  on Facebook to help in bringing  traffic  to Starbucks homepage. Starbucks on YouTube Starbucks also has its own YouTube Channel, and over 7,000 people subscribe to the Starbucks (YouTube, 2010). They upload video same as the commercial, and tell the audiences the information about their history and show people how they provide the best coffee. On the other hand, employees of Starbucks always submit headlines for YouTube videos with coffee experts talking about Starbuck Coffee. Not like other companies, Starbucks also allow people to update their video to their page. Recently, Starbucks join to the photo site called Flickr, and has more than thousands members with 15 thousand pictures. There is no doubt, Starbucks and many other businesses figured out using the social networking sites can help build the brand and engage the customer with spending less money.

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