Saturday, September 7, 2019

Will economic reform along with political repression succeed result in Research Paper

Will economic reform along with political repression succeed result in the Democratization of china - Research Paper Example According to Rummel, democracy can be achieved by regular election; through each particular vote counts, thus leaders are chosen to represent the people and policies that governors are chosen. The right for every citizen to vote is a second way of democracy, and the third is the right for any citizen with the required qualification to vie for the highest office and the right to form political parties in a country. Rummel (Para. 5) further notes that, democratization â€Å"means that a people rule themselves through periodic elections of the highest leaders in which nearly all adults can participate for which offices they are eligible and under the rule of law.† In addition, democracy is sometimes associated with conditions such as the freedom of the media in criticizing the government, its leaders and the policies implemented. Secondly, there is the freedom of more than one political party to competing for power in a country. The third is that the most popular and elected lead er is the head of government. In addition, according to Hauss (Para. 6), democracy is important since it yields to peace in a country. Hence, there is stable peace in democracies as a result of tolerance, trust, cooperation, and reconciliation within a country especially when conflicts arise. The author adds that, just as democratization is important when achieved, it is also difficult to achieve it. The ethnic tensions that result to conflicting issues may create mistrust and intolerance that will yield to lack of cooperation. However, democracy should be effective for results to be evident. China and democracy According to Harding (Para. 3), the Chinese communist party (CCP), had shown signs of embarking on democracy reforms since some leaders of the party had endorsed some issues of democracy, thus showing signs of gradual rise of democracy. However, the Chinese communist party did not choose democratization as one of its strategies in the enhancement of stability in the politica l system. Therefore, direct elections are still limited to the lowest level and nominations are normally controlled by the party. In China, the freedom of non-governmental organizations is limited. In addition, the press in China is usually restricted to some information and so is the internet, thus indicating lack of freedom of the media, which is usually a priority in a democratic nation. The Chinese communist party has only been enhancing more forms of authoritarianism, thus evidently showing that the leaders of this party fear that pluralism may be a risky move in terms of political power and in the continuation of foreign policies, which, ironically, are viewed as of low value by the citizens. In addition, the middle class, which lead to the economic development, was said to be a driver in the promotion of democracy. However, the middle class usually demand for a voice in politics and in China, this group has been rewarded with high salaries, a political voice, and it is repres ented in the Chinese communist party. These have been the strategies used by the communist party to keep the middle class opposition low. Since the middle class members seem to have an interest in democracy, the country has to attend to their demands both politically and economically, so that they may loose their interest for democratization. The China’s middle class believe that the low levels of education and poverty in some part of the country would yield to unworthiness of democracy. Nevertheless, Harding (Para. 9) further argues that, in china for the past years it would have been easier to implement democratic mechanisms by abolishing the property

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