Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Essay Example for Free

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Essay a. Round 1 = In this round I removed lichens from the ecosystems. This would have a huge effect on the ecosystem because they play a role in the creation of soil where plants obtain nutrients. If they are taken out it can affect trees and flowers which affect bees, because they depend on them. This also effect humans that depend on the bees for honey and the fruit that the bees help pollinate. b. Round 2 = In this round humans was removed. By removing humans there was a little effect on the ecosystem. We are the top of the food chain and, but our actions do more damage then good for the environment. c. Round 3 = In this round bees was removed. This is a huge problem in today’s environment and effects the pollination of plants. Because of the removal of bees it really affects the ability of plants to produce fruits, which allow humans food. d. Round 4 = In this round flowers was removed. This was an affects to the ecosystem because flowers deliver food for bees. Bees provide honey and pollinate plants. Because of the removal of flowers it eventually removes bees which effect humans and the food chain. 2. Provide one action we as humans engage in that leads to the extinction of each of these components. Action affecting Lichens = Humans affect lichens with air pollution, industrialization and the introduction of sulphur dioxide can kill lichens. (Air Quality and Lichens, 2014) Action affecting Trees = Humans cut down trees to use for lumber, and to expand. This deforestation is the largest way for humans to affect trees. Action affecting Flowers = The way humans are affecting the flowers is by over population and polluting the air with automobiles that can produce acid rain. Action affecting Bees = The actions that humans take to affect bees is by destroying habitats, 3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees. Action 1 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollution that produced by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 2 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollutants the produce by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 3 = The other action they can do to minimize the impact on the ecosystem is to recycle this will save the need to destroy habitats for more resources. Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants Table 2: Number of Each Plant Species Present in Pot 1 and Pot 2 Species Observed Number in Pot 1(sunlight) Number in Pot 2(shade) Zinnia 2 1 Marigold 2 2 Morning Glory 3 1 Cosmos 8 4 Ryegrass 3 2 Total Number of Species in Pot: 18 10 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop a hypothesis on which pot you believe will contain the highest biodiversity. Hypothesis = I believe that the plants that are in the sun will develop the highest biodiversity. 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Accept/Reject = I accept my hypothesis because the flowers that I grew in the planter that I placed in the sun made the most flowers and different types. 3. If each pot was a sample you found in a group of wildflowers, would you determine based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy? Why or why not. Answer = I was so impressed with the amount of flowers that grew in both environments. In my determination based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy. There was actually a lot of plants in both of the environment but of course the ones in the sunlight had a healthier ecosystem. 4. How does biodiversity contribute to the overall health of an ecosystem? Provide specific examples and utilize at least one scholarly resource to back your answer. Answer = Biodiversity is very important to the health of an ecosystem. The greater species diversity is it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. It provides natural services such as soil protection, water resources, pollution breakdown, food, medical resources, and future resources, according to Shah (2014). She states â€Å"Each species depends on the services provided by other species to ensure survival. It is a type of cooperation based on mutual survival and is often what a â€Å"balanced ecosystem† refers to†(2014). Crops are used to feed cattle, then the cattle waste nourishes the crops. Crops, as well as yielding grain also yield straw , the straw provides organic matter and fodder, crops are therefore food sources for humans and animals then the soil and organisms such as bacteria and algae serve as nitrogen fixers. Rodents, then aerate the soil and improve its water-holding capacity Spiders, centipedes and insects grind organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings. This large biodiversity is accentual to maintaining health crops and animals for the food supply.

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