Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Reuniting the Grey Wolf :: science

Reuniting the Grey Wolf In 1914 the United States Congress approved the funding to destroy wolves. Many of the Government bounty hunters decided to help farmers to protect there livestock from the destructive creatures. Sixty years later the wolves are considered as endangered. In 1973 the United State Congress passed another law (Endangered Species Act) this act stated that all endangered species could not be killed by anyone or they would face a fine of one thousand dollars and as much as one year in jail. So many organizations started programs to help the wild life one of which was called the Wolf Recovery Program. The Wolf Recovery Program was set to help gray wolfs adapted back into there natural habitat. Since the program has been started they have introduced over 160 new wolves into the wild. But not everybody was in favor of reintroducing wolves into the wild. Today the United States Fish and Wild life Service have been considering the removal of the gray wolf from the endangered species list once I daho, Montana, and Wyoming raise enough wolves to be considered to continue to expand the wolf population, this requires that each of the three states have to have a management plan in effect to prevent the gray wolf from becoming endangered again. With the current attitude of the governments in these states federal support under the Endangered Species Act it would only serve to cause the wolves to become endangered once more, or at least, hold to absolute minimum of the population that the state scan pass off as a self-sustaining population. Many of the states like Idaho want to get rid of the gray wolves completely rid of in fact it has been said that â€Å"The State of Idaho is on the record asking the federal government to remove wolves from the state by the adoption in 2001 of House Joint Memorial No. 5. The position reflected in House Joint Memorial No. 5 continues to be the official position of the State of Idaho†. Now these are the problems facing the gray wolfs today . Farmers Many of the states legislature made room for the destruction of the gray wolf because they value the economies farming industries more than the preservation of wild life. The farmer aren’t helping with the restoration with many unsubstantial losses with no attempt to validate these statements. The settlers would let there cattle to roam off public property.

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