Monday, September 30, 2019

Organizational structure of international Dairy Queen Essay

International Dairy Queen is a subsidiary of William Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Group. Charles â€Å"Chuck† Mooty is the President and CEO. Charles Chapman is COO while James S. Simpson is CFO, Treasurer and Controller (Hoover’s Inc. 2007). According to President and CEO, Charles Mooty, the main asset of the company is people being a service company. Moreover, the company has franchisees and should be assisted to maintain growth (Jossi 2001). Dairy Queen was originally run as a family corporation until shareholders decided to sell to Berkshire Hathaway. Mooty’s strategy includes the development of people, brand and presence (Jossi 2001). Recent lawsuits filed by franchisees against the mother company had caused too much rift in between the company and the franchisees. Mooty aimed to put the past behind and rebuild the relationship with the franchisees so that IDQ and the franchisees operate as a singular system (Jossi 2001). To revitalize the market, DQ also introduced another concept restaurant, the DQ Grill and Chill. It is a more pricey dining experience that would cost a customer on the average at $6 USD per head. According to Wolkowitz (2005), there are 51 restaurants, two of which are company owned while the rest belonged to franchisees. Jawad Business Group owns and operates the DQ Grill and Chill in Bahrain. The organization structure of International Dairy Queen could be illustrated in the diagram below. Since International Dairy Queen (IDQ) is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, the management team of IDQ is under the auspices of the mother company. Figure 1 – Organization Structure of International Dairy Queen IDQ has the traditional top-down organization where the mother company determined its management and the conduct of business (Berkshire Hathaway). Berkshire Hathaway has accountability to its shareholders. The structure is perceived as such because it was the shareholders who originally approved the sale of Dairy Queen to Berkshire. Therefore, any decision by the management should have the approval of the shareholders before it can proceed. If Dairy Queen’s original owners did not sell their shares to Berkshire, DQ would still remain a family-run corporation. Bibliography â€Å"A Story of Sweet Success† n. d. [Online] Available at: http://www. dairyqueen. com/en-US/About+Dairy+Queen/Corporate/History/default. htm [Accessed 20 July 2007] AgExporter. 1996. Arabian Gulf: Hot Markets for US Foods [Online] Available at: http://www. allbusiness. com/agriculture-forestry-fishing-hunting/557170-1. html [Accessed 21 July 2007] Badawy, M. K. 1980. Styles Of Mideastern Managers. California Management Review . Spring 1980; Volume 22, Issue: 3; 51-58. Bahrain This Month. 2007. Eating Out [Online] Available at: http://www. bahrainthismonth. com/restaurants/cuisine. fastfood. php [Accessed 22 July 2007] Garber, A. 2004. Quick-serve Concepts Upscale Image, Elevate Prices. Nation’s Restaurant News; Volume 38, no. 18;1-4. Ford, C. W. , Nonis, S. A. and Hudson, G. I. 2005. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Value Systems and Consumer Ethics. Cross Cultural Management; Volume 12, Issue 4; 36-50. Hill, C. W. L. , & Jones, G. R. 2004, Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach 6th ed. , Boston: Houghton Mifflin Hoffman, K. 2005. Drive Thru Gourmet / New Blizzard Flavors May Leave Competitors Quaking in Their Boots, Houston Chronicle. Houston, Texas: 10 Hoover’s Inc. 2007. International Dairy Queen, Inc. Overview. [Online] Available at: http://www. hoovers. com/dairy-queen/–ID__13811–/free-co-factsheet. xhtml? cm_ven=PAID&cm_cat=INK&cm_pla=CO1&cm_ite=dairy-queen [Accessed 21 July 2007] Jossi, F. 2001. A Royal Challenge [Online] Available at: http://www. qsrmagazine. com/issue/interview/chuckmooty.phtml [Accessed 21 July 2007] Kavoossi, M. 2000 The Globalization of Business and the Middle East: Opportunities and Constraints. Westport, CT. Quorum Books. â€Å"March Into Spring as DQ ® Goes Green,† n. d. [Online] Available at: http://www. dairyqueen. com/en-US/About+Dairy+Queen/Corporate/Press+Releases/March+Into+Spring+as+DQ%C2%AE+Goes+Green. htm [Accessed 20 July 2007] Porter’s Diamonds of National Advantage 2007 [Online] Available at: http://www. quickmba. com/strategy/global/diamond/ [Accessed 21 July 2007] Toffler, A. 1990. Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century. Bantam. New York. US Foreign Commercial Services and US Department of State 2004. Doing Business In Bahrain: A Country Commercial Guide for U. S. Companies [Online] Available at: http://www. export. gov/middleeast/country_information/CCG/Bahrain/Doing%20Business%20in%20Bahrain%20FY%202005%20(CCG)%20-%20Final. doc [Accessed 21 July 2007] Wolkowitz, D. 2005. DQ Grill & Chill: Well-Known Ice-Cream Brand Turns Up the Heat with New Look, Expanded Menu, Nation’s Restaurant News [Online] Available at: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_5_39/ai_n9523126/pg_1 [Accessed 21 July 2007].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How important was the fear of Trotsky becoming leader in explaining Stalin’s victory in the power struggle in the years 1924-1929? Essay

Everyone believed Trotsky would take leadership after Lenin died, even if they didn’t want him to. No one thought it would be Stalin. Therefore, Stalin felt he had to defeat Trotsky in order to become leader. However, the fear of Trotsky becoming leader isn’t the only factor in explaining Stalin’s victory in the power struggle. Lenin died, January 21 1924. This is when the Lenin Legacy begun. Stalin took it upon himself to give a speech at Stalin’s funeral; he personally swore to carry on the work of Lenin. As General Secretary he supervised the Lenin Enrolment (expansion of the party in tribute to Lenin). He published a book â€Å"Foundations of Leninism†, a basic understanding of Lenin’s ideas for the uneducated. Stalin emphasised his commitment to Lenin by dishonoring Trotsky and other Bolsheviks by saying they were unfaithful. Stalin used the Decree against Factionalism to accuse opponents of disloyalty to the memory of Lenin. Stalin used the Lenin Legacy to his advantage all the way through the power struggle. In 1924, when The Lenin Enrolment was announced, the party increased from 500,000 to over 1 million members by 1926. The new members were young, in-experienced and lacking education. This meant Stalin could easily influence them. Zinoviev and Kamenev both feared Trotsky’s power more than Stalin. They teamed up with Stalin, in order to over-throw Trotsky. He was unpopular as he was extremely arrogant. Thus when he missed Lenin’s funeral due to Stalin telling him the wrong date, he became even more hated. In a Marxist fashion, Trotsky travelled the world, informing people of world revolution. This meant Stalin could build a good relationship with Russia, persuading everyone he would carry on the work of Lenin. In December 1924, Stalin spoke of â€Å"socialism in one country† Trotsky strongly disagreed and as a result he was accused of Factionalism. In January 1925, the Central Committee removed Trotsky from the War Commissariat. From 1928 onwards Trotsky lived his life in exile before being murdered in 1940. Stalin had allied with Zinoviev and Kamenev but after Trotsky’s defeat they were concerned that Stalin had too much power within the Party. Kamenev was defeated, his lost control of the Moscow Party. However Zinoviev fought back, he held onto the Leningrad Party and attacked the NEP policy. They argued that it was capitalist and it was time to introduce rapid industrialisation. However, they also questioned Socialism in One Country, which meant the attack was also against Bukharin. They realised that without an international revolution they wouldn’t reach Marxism Utopia, as the economic backwardness of the country would destroy the Soviet Union. Therefore, Stalin and Bukharin united. Once again, Stalin accused Zinoviev of Factionalism. Bukharin’s popularity and Stalin’s control of the delegates allowed them to defeat Zinoviev. At the 14th Party Congress in December 1925, angry delegates shouted down the slander of Stalin and defeated the programme of Zinoviev and Kamenev by 559 votes to 65. 1926, Zinoviev lost control of Leningrad to be replaced as Chair of the Comintern by Bukharin. Following this, Zinoviev and Kamenev tried to form an alliance with Trotsky (he had spoke out about the NEP policy in 1924) but there was little trust between them. In 1926, they released copies of Lenin’s Political Testament but it didn’t work, they were seen as Factionalists. They were removed from The Central Committee and secret police were used to stop the Political Testament being published. They were sent to exile. Stalin had defeated the Left wing of the politburos; he now planned to attack the Right wing. By 1926, the Soviet Union was effectively ruled by Stalin and Bukharin. Stalin saw the NEP as a compromise with the peasantry. Ironically, he now agreed with the United Opposition’s policies to introduce rapid industrialisation. He turned against Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky. In November 1929 Bukharin lost his position in the politburo. Stalin used his powers as General Secretary to purge the trades’ leadership thus Tomsky losing his post on the Central Council of Trades Union and his place in the politburo in 1930. 21 December 1929, Stalin’s 50th birthday, Pravda call him â€Å"the Lenin of today†, Stalin had finally won the power struggle. When looking at all of the factors for why Stalin won the power struggle, the fear of Trotsky coming into power seems a small influence. However, it was the difference in personalities and different views for the county that kick started the power struggle. Trotsky did not fight for power; he simply fought for what he thought was right. Even though he was an ex-Menshevik, he kept closest to the theory of Marxism. For example, when he lost his role of The War Commissariat he didn’t fight back. He never believed he would be in charge because he was Jewish. While it was important, I do not believe the fear of Trotsky to be the crucial component in Stalin winning the power struggle. He was a vindictive creature that would go to the extremes to get what he wanted. His political genius was much more vital. Without it I don’t think he would have got where he did. He was cunning in the fact that he was able to not only defeat the bodies of the politburo but also, use their skills to his advantage and then turn against them. As well as this, being General Secretary was a big advantage, it allowed him to keep the Political Testament a secret. The Lenin Legacy was also extremely important. When he expanded the Bolshevik party, I believe he brainwashed many of the new members. He used their lack of education against them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Closing case #1 wireless bikes Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Closing #1 wireless bikes - Case Study Example Therefore, technology is able to get right resources to the right place and at the right time (Baltzan, 2014). Hence, the company can comfortably operate in a free environment without being tied to physical location. Providing immediate data Access provides value when mobility permits activities to be conducted at where required. Wireless networks are capable of supporting a broad variety of immediate data access alternatives, from collecting usage data through RFID technologies when driving near a water meter to including complete internet access on mobile device or laptop. The company is able to get a status report as well as other important information on the transaction of the bike. Increasing monitoring and location capability helps in minimizing losses from damage and theft, gathers information from difficulty-to-reach or remote locations, enhances safety as well as makes probable a new wave of customized services. The RFID tags allow the tracking of the bikes from booking to using and returning the bike. LBS devices send storm information from the bike and help in locating it when there is a problem. Improving workflows involves using wireless technology, provides the opportunity for redesigning as well as simplifying those processes for being cheaper, faster, and more responsive. This also helps in eradicating redundant activities, redistribute tasks, and integrate activities and services. The company gets original data as the transactions with bike users go on. Both the user and the company interact freely as well as faster. Providing mobile business opportunities involves offering an advantage of making a purchase through the internet from anywhere, and anytime. In addition, wireless system offers consumers with the capacity to get information as well as order commodities and services faster and with ease employing a mobile device. Providing alternative to wiring occurs as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Philosophy paper option Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Philosophy paper option - Essay Example However, this philosophy has been dynamic from century to century, as scholars from different backgrounds tackle the philosophical commentaries in other rational approaches. Chan explains that it is simple and easy to change with the ethical philosophies in line with the system of development and abandonment of legalism. Confucianism led to absorption of many challenges emanating from doctrines of Buddhism (Rahula, 1974). As a result, the intellectual life dominated and formed Neo-Confucianism. In the â€Å"source book in Chinese philosophy† book there is an attempt to make people in the west understand the culture of Asian people as well as their philosophy. This book explains more on the Chinese philosophy as written by great scholars in the Chinese era. This enables the author to bring a balance between the ancient, modern as well as medieval times. In addition to this, he explains about the different kinds of periods that existed in Chinese history with examples of Taoism, Confucianism and also Buddhism (Chan, 1969). Most of the history regarding Chinese philosophy had features of cultural as well as intellectual developments. Philosophy of Change There exist several ties between the mentioned origins command in the Chinese philosophy and the countries aboard. ... Moral cultivation depended fully on neo-Confucianism of which was keystone in milestones of progression. The characters of wealthy, powerful and authoritative human compares identically with the heavens reach from earths. The brilliance of the sun can well demonstrate the effectiveness of such a man feared by both the living people of the history of China’s philosophy as well as the modern neo-Confucianism and communism in regards to philosophical contexts (Chan, 1969). The relationship between modern philosophy by western philosophy and Chinese, India, Persia and other European countries is very Socratic. This is because most philosophers dealt with the supernatural and mythological underlying of concepts. They also involved metaphysics where they believed fire and water were infinite and boundless in touch and feel. This give them a green right to compose materials on the ways of nature and its relation to supernatural testimonials by time lapse (Nishida, 1992). With the ris e scholars, the ethical structures and seriousness to enlighten or rather straighten the spiritual life and internal righteousness to mould up the external uprightness. Change has come upon in the diverse understanding of philosophy in that philosophers and people all round believed the heaven to be high while the earth to be low. Therefore, they give them a credit of honorable place and humble states in the both places according to ones ethical uprightness. Tranquility was held with constancy as strengthening phenomenon of transformation of earth creatures. These were well classified according to good fortunes and bad fortunes to the natives where good fortunes originated from the heavens while bad fortunes originated from bad and evil people who

Thursday, September 26, 2019

'The significance of Wang Kar-wai's films often derives from their Essay

'The significance of Wang Kar-wai's films often derives from their coplex and highly creative treatment of time.' Discuss using detailed examples from Chungking - Essay Example To understand how Wong achieved this cult status and why certain elements of his films such as time bear significance, it is important to discuss the history from which he grew as they are both linked. Collaborating with well known directors such as Patrick Tam in the early 1980’s, writing scripts and assisting in direction, Wong learnt from his masters and established himself as one of the second new wave of Hong Kong filmmakers living at a time when issues such as Hong Kong’s transfer to China were foremost. Back in 1984 when the Sino-British agreement was drawn charting a plan to handover Hong Kong to mainland China, the uncertainty surrounding this issue forced Hong Kong’s residents as well as its filmmakers to examine this subject in depth. Rather than condemning the take over, the filmmakers sought to explore this previously un-chartered subject, seeking to introspect instead of criticizing. This was the moment when Hong Kong cinema matured and carried forward to the second new wave of filmmakers. In his films Wong essentially captures the cultural identity of Hong Kong which was dual in nature. â€Å"The cinema of Hong Kong reflects this notion of a du al identity, combining to create a third, localised identity (Wright 2002).† This duality arose from Hong Kong’s close proximity to China whose cultural identity is vastly different and bore a significant impact to Hong Kong. But Hong Kong’s history of being associated with western culture, absorbing the western way of free life, gave it a new identity which tried to mingle and sit well with its old identity. And Hong Kong films particularly from directors such as Wong Kar-wai, echo this dual identity. â€Å"Hong Kong released a few art films that found their way into film festivals. Chungking Express (1994) directed by Wong Kar-wai, became a cult hit (Bordwell 2000).† Hong Kong cinema is both a popular cinema and a cinema of auteurs

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

English Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

English Composition - Essay Example e the effects on both the brain and the body; could be stated less awkwardly and better connected to the second part of the statement, we can begin to investigate the implications their drug usage has on random individuals within a community. Structure of the first paragraph is essential to the successful conveyance of the thesis, and to setting the parameters for focus on the thesis. While the topic, as suggested by the title and subtitle of the paper, give insight as to the purpose of the paper, it is a good idea to make clear the purpose of the paper. A clear and concise statement of purpose can be included. Here, it might be included in the introduction, following the thesis. The purpose can be stated as such, by saying, â€Å"The purpose of this paper is.† Here, your statement of thesis and purpose seem inextricably connected and combined. It would serve to add focus and a disciplined set of structural parameters to separate the purpose from the thesis. The structure of the body of the paper might begin with a focus on the community, the problems that exist as a result of meth use and manufacture. As stated in the thesis, the goal for understanding the signs and symptoms of the meth user is to facilitate and mitigate the domino effect that use on the community. Therefore, the organization of the body of the paper might begin with a discussion of the community, then, logically, lead into the avenues by which the user of the drug has access to the drug, i.e., manufacture of the drug within the community; and, then, the signs and symptoms of meth use that might help those who are, or will be, impacted by its use – the community – to identify the signs and symptoms associated with use of the drug. The paper covers the full range of concepts, but could be better structured, as stated above, to deliver a better organization and to provide a comprehensive discussion of the discussion, then, its ultimate goal – understand the signs and symptoms, to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hotel Case Study Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hotel Case Study Project - Essay Example For this reason, private and institutional investors still favor the hotel sector in the United Kingdom. The demand for housing in the city is still high making the demand for hotels in central London also high. Development outside the capital is virtually at a standstill and those seeking to develop hotels are faced with many economic challenges. The investment products in the market are also unrealistically priced with the banks being the main regulators of the hotel industry. The Olympic Games were indeed a success story for London and realized a 41% growth in ADR in various pockets that were within the territory including Manchester. Bedroom supply has increased tremendously over the last ten years with the annual growth rate reaching 15.5%. To date, a total of 1,622 new bedrooms have entered the market but with the current economic crisis, this may be detrimental. The long term occupancy for a room outside London is about 65%. Â  In future, it is expected that 3,800 new bedroom s will come into stream by 2016, an expected 70% increase in supply. It is expected that the current market weakness will take a turn and create a demand which will catch up with the new supply. How to Position the Hotel in Terms of Possible Customer Groups and Hence Prices GreenCo will be set up in a place with several target groups in order to increase their customer base. It will have visitors from Manchester Business School who may be coming in briefly to either view the school or give lectures. The Oxford Railway Station will also provide customers in the form of visitors coming in who may need a place to stay. It will also engage in the development of offices that will seek to target business owners who may set international offices and in addition, require accommodation. It will target the business hotel user and as such, pricing should be carefully evaluated to ensure that it provides the lowest possible rates for rooms in the area. What the Likely Turnover of the Proposed H otel Is, and Drawing on Other Hotel Operators’ Financial Performance, an Indication Of Likely Profits UK Hoteliers are faced with widespread difficulties that have predicted a fall in occupancy and extra work for regional owners despite continued investor interest. The hotel team at PWC has predicted a 70% drop in occupancy in the regions, 79% drop in London as well as 1.2% drops in the average daily room rates (ADR). This is expected to have ADR in the provinces at $58 and $137 in the capital. Because of increased supply and greater competition, hotel revenue per available room (RevPAR) will drop by 1.4% in the regions and 3.2% in London. This will leave RevPAR at $108 in the capital and $41 elsewhere. Despite this gloomy outlook, after the Eurozone crisis is felt and further new room supply enters the market further pushing down the prices, tour operators who previously avoided the capital are expected to return to the capital. With these estimations in mind, an estimated, the projected sales in 2012 for Holiday Inn in Stanstead Airport of 5 million with an occupancy rate of 73.5%. This is expected because this hotel is located near the capital as compared to GreenCo which is located in the province. Gold which also operates in an area similar to GreenCo expects annual revenue of 2 million. Drawing on the operation of other hotels, GreenCo is likely to receive profits of about 3 million. Any Additional Ideas on Marketing would be Welcome

Monday, September 23, 2019

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector Essay

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector - Essay Example Moreover, I have learnt that people suffering from learning disabilities can be recuperated with the constant compassionate support and care (St Elizabeth's Centre, 2013). Social enterprises are organisations that conduct business, bearing the primary objective to maintain the betterment of the societies through education, social activity and financial aid which assist in generating income for the organisation (Social Enterprise Alliance, 2013). The enterprises are also liable for common good to provide safety and security along with performing economic activity (Economic and Social Research Council, 2013). Based on this conception, the essay intends to provide a reflective assessment based on the experiences obtained in St Elizabeth's Centre, on the concepts and models of third sector organisations and challenges faced by the organisations in the modern day context. It also provides certain pertinent understanding regarding the ways to deal with the challenges. Concept, Theories and Models Resources and Impact The successful orientation of an organisation focuses on the availability of adequate resources within the workplace premises. It can be stated that mobilisation of the resources is significant in building third sector organisations such as St Elizabeth's Centre, which generally indicates a charitable organisation. Resources assist in maintaining time and work efficiency in the charitable organisation, which enables them to build and foster effective work culture. Moreover, with adequate supply of resources, it positively influences the process of work performed in the organisation. This would in turn facilitate in solving the problems of... Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector It can also be stated that third sector organisations focus on facet of common good irrespective of diverse work culture as well as cohesion of activities. The sector also comprises practical logic as well as different types of social entities. Third Sector Research Centre is considered to be one of the core components of the Civil Society Almanac working for over for 10 years with the collaboration of National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Third Sector Research Centre focuses on the charitable organisations related to civil society. It can be stated that the TSRC plays an important role in providing charitable needs to the people in the communities of the United Kingdom. TSRC receives financial support from Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), which is the office for the Civil Society and Barrow Cadbury Trust. TSRC as a part of the civil society argues that organisations in every sector depend on civil support that necessitates the commitment of individuals through sh aring of financial aid and time in accordance with the organisations. These organisations provide support with the assistance of required finance, management support, competent and supportive human resources as well as governmental influence for maintaining effective functioning in the society. Thus, third sector organisations focus on ascertaining the common good through their comprehensive efforts towards societal development.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Water Pollution in China Essay Example for Free

Water Pollution in China Essay River like blood in Roxian, Guangxi About one third of the industrial waste water and more than 90 percent of household sewage in China is released into rivers and lakes without being treated. Nearly 80 percent of Chinas cities (278 of them) have no sewage treatment facilities and few have plans to build any and underground water supplies in 90 percent of the cites are contaminated. Water shortages and water pollution in China are such a problem that the World Bank warns of â€Å"catastrophic consequences for future generations. † Half of China’s population lacks safe drinking water. Nearly two thirds of China’s rural population—more than 500 million people—use water contaminated by human and industrial waste. In summer of 2011, the China government reported 43 percent of state-monitored rivers are so polluted, theyre unsuitable for human contact. By one estimate one sixth of China’s population is threatened by seriously polluted water. One study found that eight of 10 Chinese coastal cities discharge excessive amounts of sewage and pollutants into the sea, often near coastal resorts and sea farming areas. Water pollution is especially bad along the coastal manufacturing belt. Despite the closure of thousands of paper mills, breweries, chemical factories and other potential sources of contamination, the water quality along a third of the waterway falls far below even the modest standards that the government requires. Most of China’s rural areas have no system in place to treat waste water. A study by China’s Environmental Protection Agency in February 2010 said that water pollution levels were double what the government predicted them to be mainly because agricultural waste was ignored. China’s s first pollution census in 2010 revealed farm fertilizer was a bigger source of water contamination than factory effluent. water pollution by Caijing Water pollution—caused primarily by industrial waste, chemical fertilizers and raw sewage— accounts for half of the $69 billion that the Chinese economy loses to pollution every year. About 11. 7 million pounds of organic pollutants are emitted into Chinese waters very day, compared to 5. 5 in the United States, 3. 4 in Japan, 2. 3 in Germany, 3. 2 in India, and 0. in South Africa. Water consumed by people in China contains dangerous levels of arsenic, fluorine and sulfates. An estimated 980 million of China’s 1. 3 billion people drink water every day that is partly polluted. More than 600 million Chinese drink water contaminated with human or animal wastes and 20 million people drink well water contaminated with high levels of radiation. A large number of arsenic-tainted water have been discovered. China’s high rates of liver, stomach and esophageal cancer have been linked to water pollution. In many cases factories fouling critical water sources are making goods consumed by people in the U. S. and Europe. Problems created by China’s water pollution are not just confined to China either. Water pollution and garbage produced in China floats down its rivers to the sea and is carried by prevailing winds and currents to Japan and South Korea. Water pollution and shortages are a more serious problem in northern China than southern China. The percentage of water considered unfit for human consumption is 45 percent in northern China, compared to 10 percent in southern China. Some 80 percent of the rivers in the northern province of Shanxi have been rated â€Å"unfit for human contact. † A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center before the 2008 Olympics found that 68 percent of the Chinese interviewed said they were concerned about water pollution. Effects of Water Pollution in China Waters that used to team with fish and welcome swimmers now have film and foam at the top and give off bad smells. Canals are often covered layers of floating trash, with the deposits particularly thick on the banks. Most of it is plastic containers in a variety of sun-bleached colors. Deformities in fish such as one or no eyes and misshapen skeletons and a decreasing numbers of rare wild Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze has been blamed on a paint chemical widely used in Chinese industry. China is the largest polluter of the Pacific Ocean. Offshore dead zones — oxygen-starved areas in the sea that are virtually devoid off life — are not only found in shallow water but also in deep water. They are mainly created by agricultural run-off—namely fertilizer—and reach their peak in the summer. In the spring freshwater creates a barrier layer, cutting off the salt water below from the oxygen in the air. Warm water and fertilizers cause algae blooms. Dead algae sinks to the bottom and is decomposed by bacteria, depleting oxygen in deep water. Water Pollution and Health and Protests Nearly two thirds of China’s rural population—more than 500 million people—use water contaminated by human and industrial waste. Accordingly it is not all that surprising that gastrointestinal cancer is now the number one killer in the countryside, More than 130 residents of two villages in Guangxi Province in southern China were poisoned by arsenic-contaminated water. Arsenic showed up in their urine. The source is believed to be waste from a nearby metallurgy factory. In August 2009, a thousand villagers gathered outside a government office in Zhentouu township in Hunan Province to protests a the presence of the Xiange Chemical factory, which villagers say has polluted water used to irrigate rice and vegetables and caused at least two deaths in the area. Sources of Water Pollution Major polluters include chemical factories, drug manufactures, fertilizer makers, tanneries, paper mills. In October 2009, Greenpeace identified five industrial facilities in southern China’s Pearl River delta that were dumping poisonous metals and chemicals—such as beryllium, manganese, nonylphenol and tetrabromobisphenol— into water used by local residents for drinking. The group found the toxins in pipes that led from the facilities. In February 2008 the Fuan textile factory, a multimillion dollar operation in Guangdong Province that produces enormous quantities of T-shirts and other clothes for export, was shut down for dumping waste from dyes into the Maozhou River and turning the water red. It turned out the factory produced 47,000 tons of waste a day and could only process 20,000 tons with the rest being dumped into the river. It latter quietly reopened in a new location. Polluted Chinese Rivers and Lakes China has some of the worlds worst water pollution. All of Chinas lakes and rivers are polluted to some degree. According to a Chinese government report, 70 percent of rivers, lakes and waterways are seriously polluted, many so seriously they have no fish, and 78 percent of the water from Chinas rivers is not fit for human consumption. In a middle class development near Nanjing call Straford a polluted river has buried underground in giant pipe while a new ornamental river, rally a lake, has been built above it. According to one government survey, 436 of China’s 532 rivers are polluted, with more than half of them too polluted to serve as sources of drinking water, and 13 of 15 sectors of Chinas seven largest rivers are seriously polluted. The most polluted rivers are in the east and south around the major population centers with the pollution getting worse the further downstream one goes. In some cases each city along a river dumps pollutants outside their city limits, creating increasingly more pollution for the cities down stream. Chinese environmentalist Ma Jun said, ‘What’s not receiving attention is the destruction of the river ecosystem, which I think will have long-tern effects on our water resources. ’ Many rivers are filled with garbage, heavy metals and factory chemicals. Suzhou Creek in Shanghai stinks of human waste and effluence from pig farms. There have been devastating fish kills caused by the release of chemicals into the Haozhongou River in Anhui province and Min Jiang River in Sichuan Province. The Huai flows through densely populated farmland between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Bottlenecks and elevation changes make the river both prone to flooding and collecting pollutants. Half the checkpoints along the Huai River in central and eastern China revealed pollution levels of â€Å"Grade 5 or worse, with pollutants detected in ground water 300 meters below the river. The Huai river in Anhui province is so polluted all the fish have died and people have to drink bottled water to avoid getting sick. Some places have water that is too toxic to touch and leaves behind scum when it is boiled. Here, crops have been destroyed by irrigation water from the river; fish farms have been wiped out; and fishermen have lost their livelihoods. The South-North Water Transfer Project—which will travel through the Huai basin—is likely to deliver water that is dangerously polluted. The Qingshui River, a tributary of the Huai whose names means â€Å"clear water,† has turned black with trails of yellow foam from pollution from small mines that have opened up to meet the demand for magnesium, molybdenum and vanadium used in the booming steel industry. River samples indicate unhealthy levels of magnesium and chromium. The vanadium refineries foul the water and produce smokes that deposits a yellowing powder on teh countryside. The Liao River is also a mess. Gains made with new water treatment facilities have been canceled out by higher than ever levels of industrial pollution. In May 2007, 11 companies along the Songhua River, including local food companies, were ordered to shut down because of the heavily-polluted water they dumped into the river. A survey found that 80 percent exceeded pollution discharge limits. One company turned off pollution control devices and dumped sewage directly into the river. In March 2008 contamination of the Dongjing River with ammonia, nitrogen and metal-cleaning chemicals turned the water red and foamy and forced authorities to cut water supplies for at least 200,000 people in Hubei Province in central China. Cancer Villages and Polluted Waterways in China According to the World Bank, 60,000 people die each year from diarrhea, bladder and stomach cancer and other diseases directly caused by water-borne pollution. A study by the WHO came with a much higher figure. Cancer village is a term used to describe villages or towns where cancer rates have risen dramatically because of pollution. There are said to be around 100 cancer villages along the Huai River and its tributaries in Henan Province, especially on the Shaying River. Death rates on Huai River are 30 percent higher than the national average. In 1995, the government declared that water from a Huai tributary was undrinkable and the water supply for 1 million people was cut off. The military had to truck in water for a month until 1,111 paper mills and 413 other industrial plants on the river were shut down. In the village of Huangmengying—where a once-clear stream is now greenish black from factory wastes—cancer accounted for 11 of the 17 deaths in 2003. Both the river and well water in the village—the main source of drinking water—have an acrid smell and taste produced by pollutants dumped upstream by tanneries, paper mills, a huge MSG plant, and other factories. Cancer had been rare when the stream was clear. Tuanjieku is town six kilometers northwest of Xian that still uses an ancient system of moats to irrigate its crops. The moats unfortunately don’t drain so well and are now badly contaminated by household discharges and industrial waste. Visitors to the town are often overwhelmed by the rotten egg smell and feel faint after five minutes of breathing in the air. Vegetables produced in the fields are discolored and sometimes black. Residents suffer from abnormally high cancer rates. One third of peasants in the village Badbui are mentally ill or seriously ill. Women report high numbers of miscarriages and many people die in middle age. The culprit is believed to be drinking water drawn from the Yellow River downstream from a fertilizer plant. The waters around Taizhou in Zhejiang, the home of Hisun Pharmaceutical, one of China’s largest drug makers, are so contaminated with sludge and chemicals that fishermen complain their hands and legs become ulcerated, and in extreme cases need amputation. Studies have show that people who live around the city have high cancer and birth defect rates. Polluted Yangtze, Pearl and Yellow Rivers Chinas three great rivers—the Yangtze, Pearl and Yellow River—are so filthy that it is dangerous to swim or eat fish caught in them. Parts of the Pearl River in Guangzhou are so thick, dark and soupy it looks like one could walk across it. In recent years pollution has become a problem on the Yellow River. By one count 4,000 of China’s 20,000 petrochemical factories are on the Yellow River and a third of all fish species found in the Yellow River have become extinct because of dams, falling water levels, pollution and over fishing. More than 80 percent of the Hai-Huaih Yellow river basin is chronically polluted. In October 2006, a one kilometer section of the Yellow River turned red in the city of Lanzhou in Gansu Province as result of a â€Å"red and smelly† discharge from a sewage pipe. In December 2005, six tons of diesel oil leaked into a tributary of the Yellow River from a pipe that cracked because of freezing conditions. It produced a 40 mile long slick. Sixty-three water pumps had to be shut down, including some in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province. The Yangtze River is polluted with 40 million tons of industrial and sewage waste. Half of China’s 20,000 petrochemical factories lie on its banks. About 40 percent of all waste water produced in China—about 25 billion tons—flows into the Yangtze, of which only about 20 percent is treated beforehand. The pollution has taken its toll on aquatic life. Fish catches from the river declined from 427,000 tons in the 1950s to 100,000 tons in the 1990s. The Yangtze is in danger of becoming a â€Å"dead river† unable to sustain marine life or providing drinking water. According to report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences released in April 2007 the Yangtze is seriously and largely irreversibly polluted. More than 600 kilometers of its length and almost 30 percent of its major tributaries are in critical condition. Sections of the Grand Canal that have water deep enough to accommodate boats are often filled with trash sewage and oil licks. Chemical waste and fertilizer and pesticide run-off empties into the canal. The water is mostly brownish green. People who drink it often get diarrhea and break out in rashes. Polluted Lakes, Canals and Coastal Areas in China Dead fish in Hangzhou pond Studies have showed that the quality of coastal waters are deteriorating quickly as a result of land-based pollution. The study found that 8. 3 billion tons of sewage was released in Guangdong Province’s coastal waters in 2006, 60 percent more than five years earlier. Altogether 12. million tons of polluted â€Å"material was dumped in waters off the southern province. Some lakes are in equally bad shape. China’s great lakes—the Tai, Chao and Dianchi—have water that is rated Grade V, the most degraded level. It is unfit for drinking or for agricultural or industrial use. Describing Chinas fifth-biggest lake a Wall Street Journal reporter wrote: The slow, hot days of summer are here, and sun-fed algae is starting to clot the milky surface of Chao Lake. Soon a living scum will carpet a patch the size of New York City. It will quickly blacken and rot  The smell is so terrible you can not describe it. † Canals, See Changzhou, Places Apple Accused of Making a River Runs Black In March 2012, Peter Smith wrote in The Times, Beyond the brick cottages of Tongxin runs Lou Xia Bang, once the soul of the farming village and a river where, until the digital revolution, children swam and mothers washed rice. Today it flows black: a chemical mess heavy with the stench of China’s high-tech industry — the hidden companion of the world’s most famous electronics brands and a reason the world gets its gadgets on the cheap. Source: Peter Smith, The Times, March 9, 2012] The article then goes on to describe how the town of Tongxin was being affected by chemical waste from local factories that, as well as turning the river black, has caused a â€Å"phenomenal† increase in cancer rates in Tongxin (according to research by five Chinese non-governmental organisations). The factories have grown up in the last few years and make circuit boards, touch screens and the casings of smartphones, laptops and tablet computers. As usual in these cases, Apple as mentioned – although the evidence appears to be a little sketchy as to whether these factories are actually players in the Apple supply chain. [Source: Spendmatter UK/Europe blog] Smith wrote in the Times: â€Å"Workers at the Kaedar factory, five metres from a kindergarten where children have complained of dizziness and nausea, have secretly confirmed that products had left the factory bearing the Apple trademark. † Red Tides, Salt Tides an d Algae Bloom in China Algae blooms, or eutrophication, in lakes are caused by too much nutrients in the water. They turn lakes green and suffocate fish by depleting the oxygen. They are often caused by human and animal waste and run off of chemical fertilizers. Similar conditions create red tides in the sea. The government estimates that $240 million worth of damage and economic loses was caused by 45 major red tides between 1997 and 1999. Describing a red tide near the town of Aotoum that left the seas blanketed with dead fish and fishermen badly in debt, a fisherman told the Los Angeles Times, The sea turned dark, like tea. If you talk to the fishermen around here, theyll all break into tears. In some places the Chinese have tried to minimize the damage caused by algae blooms by pumping oxygen into the water and containing the blooms by adding clay which acts as a magnet for algae. A lack funds keeps China from tackling the problem using more conventional means. A severe drought in 2006, caused large amounts of seawater to flow upstream on the Xinjiang River in southern China. In Macau salinity levels in the river jumped to almost three time above the World Health Organization standards. To combat the problem water was diverted into it from the Beijiang River in Guangdong. Water Bodies Struck by Algae Blooms in China Red tides have increased in their numbers and severity in coastal areas of China, particularly in Bohai Bay off eastern China, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Large red tides have occurred around the Zhoushan Islands near Shanghai. In May and June 2004, two huge red tides, covering a total area size of 1. 3 million soccer fields, developed in Bohai Bay. One occurred near the mouth of the Yellow River and affected an area of 1,850 square kilometers. Another struck near the port city of Tianjin and covered nearly 3,200 square kilometers. It was blamed on the dumping of large amounts of waste water and sewage into the bay and rivers leading into the bay. In June 2007, coastal waters off the booming industrial town of Shenzhen were hit by one the biggest ever red tides. It produced a 50 square kilometer slick and was caused by pollution and persisted because of a lack of rain. There were large algae blooms in freshwater lakes throughout China in 2007. Some were blamed on pollution. Others were blamed on drought. In Jiangsu Province the water level in one lake dropped to its lowest level in 50 years and became inundated with blue-green algae that produced smelly, undrinkable water. Lake Tai Pollution Lake Tai is often choked with industrial waste from factories producing paper, film and dyes, urban sewage and agricultural run-off. It sometimes is covered with green algae as a result of nitrogen and phosphate pollution. Locals complain of polluted irrigation water that causes their skin to peal, dyes that turn the water red and fumes that sting their eyes. Dams built for flood control and irrigation have prevented Lake Tai’s from flushing out pesticides and fertilizers that flow into it. Particularly damaging are phosphates which suck out life-sustaining oxygen. Starting in the 1980s a number of chemical factories were built on its shores. As of the late 1990s there were 2,800 chemical factories around the lake, some of which released their waste directly into the lake in the middle of the night to avoid detection. Lake Tai Algae Blooms Algae bloom in Lake Tai In the summer of 2007, large algae blooms covered parts of Lake Tai and Lake Chao, China’s third and fifth largest freshwater lakes, making the water undrinkable and producing a terrible stench. Two million of residents of Wuxi, who normally rely on water from the Lake Tai for drinking water, couldnt bathe or wash dishes and hoarded bottled water that rose in price from $1 a bottle to $6 a bottle. Some turned on their taps only to have sludge emerge. The bloom on Lake Tai lasted for six days until it was flushed out by rain and water diverted from the Yangtze River. The bloom on Lake Chao did not threaten water supplies. Reporting from Zhoutie, near Lake Tai, William Wan wrote in Washington Post, â€Å"You smell the lake before you see it, an overwhelming stench like rotten eggs mixed with manure. The visuals are just as bad, the shore caked with toxic blue-green algae. Farther out, where the algae is more diluted but equally fueled by pollution, it swirls with the currents, a vast network of green tendrils across the surface of Tai Lake. [Source: William Wan, Washington Post, October 29, 2010] â€Å" Such pollution problems are now widespread in China after three decades of unbridled economic growth. But whats surprising about Tai Lake is the money and attention thats been spent on the problem and how little either has accomplished. Some of the countrys highest-ranking leaders, including Premier Wen Jiabao, have declared it a national priority. Millions of dollars have been poured into the cleanup. And yet, the lake is still a mess. The water remains undrinkable, the fish nearly gone, the fetid smell lingering over villages. [Ibid] At Tai Lake, part of the problem is that the same industrial factories poisoning the water also transformed the region into an economic powerhouse. Shutting them down, local leaders say, would destroy the economy overnight. In fact, many of the factories shut down during the 2007 scandal have since reopened under different names, environmentalists say. † [Ibid] â€Å"Tai Lake is the embodiment of Chinas losing fight against pollution. This summer, the government said that, despite stricter rules, pollution is rising again across the country in key categories such as emissions of sulfur dioxide, which causes acid rain. Just months before, the government had revealed that water pollution was more than twice as severe as previous official figures had shown. † [Ibid] The algae bloom on Lake Tai was caused by toxic cyanobacteria, commonly called pond scum. It turned much of the lake florescent green and produced a terrible stench that could be smelled miles away from the lake. The Lake Tai bloom became a symbol of China’s lack of environmental regulations. Afterwards a high-level meeting on the lake’s future was convened, with Beijing closing down hundreds of chemical factories and promising to spend $14. 4 billion to clean up the lake.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Essay Example for Free

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Essay a. Round 1 = In this round I removed lichens from the ecosystems. This would have a huge effect on the ecosystem because they play a role in the creation of soil where plants obtain nutrients. If they are taken out it can affect trees and flowers which affect bees, because they depend on them. This also effect humans that depend on the bees for honey and the fruit that the bees help pollinate. b. Round 2 = In this round humans was removed. By removing humans there was a little effect on the ecosystem. We are the top of the food chain and, but our actions do more damage then good for the environment. c. Round 3 = In this round bees was removed. This is a huge problem in today’s environment and effects the pollination of plants. Because of the removal of bees it really affects the ability of plants to produce fruits, which allow humans food. d. Round 4 = In this round flowers was removed. This was an affects to the ecosystem because flowers deliver food for bees. Bees provide honey and pollinate plants. Because of the removal of flowers it eventually removes bees which effect humans and the food chain. 2. Provide one action we as humans engage in that leads to the extinction of each of these components. Action affecting Lichens = Humans affect lichens with air pollution, industrialization and the introduction of sulphur dioxide can kill lichens. (Air Quality and Lichens, 2014) Action affecting Trees = Humans cut down trees to use for lumber, and to expand. This deforestation is the largest way for humans to affect trees. Action affecting Flowers = The way humans are affecting the flowers is by over population and polluting the air with automobiles that can produce acid rain. Action affecting Bees = The actions that humans take to affect bees is by destroying habitats, 3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees. Action 1 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollution that produced by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 2 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollutants the produce by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 3 = The other action they can do to minimize the impact on the ecosystem is to recycle this will save the need to destroy habitats for more resources. Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants Table 2: Number of Each Plant Species Present in Pot 1 and Pot 2 Species Observed Number in Pot 1(sunlight) Number in Pot 2(shade) Zinnia 2 1 Marigold 2 2 Morning Glory 3 1 Cosmos 8 4 Ryegrass 3 2 Total Number of Species in Pot: 18 10 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop a hypothesis on which pot you believe will contain the highest biodiversity. Hypothesis = I believe that the plants that are in the sun will develop the highest biodiversity. 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Accept/Reject = I accept my hypothesis because the flowers that I grew in the planter that I placed in the sun made the most flowers and different types. 3. If each pot was a sample you found in a group of wildflowers, would you determine based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy? Why or why not. Answer = I was so impressed with the amount of flowers that grew in both environments. In my determination based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy. There was actually a lot of plants in both of the environment but of course the ones in the sunlight had a healthier ecosystem. 4. How does biodiversity contribute to the overall health of an ecosystem? Provide specific examples and utilize at least one scholarly resource to back your answer. Answer = Biodiversity is very important to the health of an ecosystem. The greater species diversity is it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. It provides natural services such as soil protection, water resources, pollution breakdown, food, medical resources, and future resources, according to Shah (2014). She states â€Å"Each species depends on the services provided by other species to ensure survival. It is a type of cooperation based on mutual survival and is often what a â€Å"balanced ecosystem† refers to†(2014). Crops are used to feed cattle, then the cattle waste nourishes the crops. Crops, as well as yielding grain also yield straw , the straw provides organic matter and fodder, crops are therefore food sources for humans and animals then the soil and organisms such as bacteria and algae serve as nitrogen fixers. Rodents, then aerate the soil and improve its water-holding capacity Spiders, centipedes and insects grind organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings. This large biodiversity is accentual to maintaining health crops and animals for the food supply.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Management, Leadership and Public Health Planning

Management, Leadership and Public Health Planning Student Name: Aphrodis Ndayisaba 0. Introduction The complexity and dynamism of healthcare systems around the world make them require strong, knowledgeable and skilful managers and leaders. The need for effective health managers and leaders is of paramount importance in allowing organisations and professionals to achieve their goals. Part of the knowledge and skills that healthcare services managers and leaders should have include planning and change management. In this essay, we will discuss, using a health project and examples, the steps undertaken in planning process and later on we will be discussing on various ways that healthcare services managers and leaders would partake to effect organisational change. 1. The steps in a health planning process According to Ardal et al (2006), a plan is defined as â€Å"a map, as a preparation, as an arrangement†. Planning defines the direction where the organisation or a person is heading and how to reach there. Various activities are undertaken in health planning process. It is stated that health planning process follows as the same basic steps as any planning process and these steps form a cycle which is normally repeated in the planning process for programs, populations, systems or health goals. The necessity of repeated cycle is due to the prevailing conditions which some or all may push to the change of the existing plan. For example, new evidences to create, restore or support health are released unceasingly, thus to incorporate these evidences into plans, the planning process should be cyclical (Ardal al, 2006). According to Ardal et al (2006), most planning cycles comprise seven steps which are: Surveying the environment Setting directions Identify problems and challenges Identify ranges of solutions to the problem and challenges Identify the preferred solutions Implementation Evaluation According to the same source, some people might argue that planners are only involved in the first five steps yet planners are also instrumental in understanding and supporting to shape the implementation plan and evaluation. They may be invited to provide support in these latter activities. To discuss on these steps, we use an example of a community health project on fighting against malaria in a local district. 1.1. Surveying the environment This step is concerned with the information collection to determine the current situation regarding the issue under consideration. The assessment of the current situation is done from various perspectives. For example, in the planning process for the project to fight against malaria, those involved in the planning process can review the previous plans about the project. According to Chatora and Tumusiime (2004), the review of the previous plans is essential in the planning process as it helps find out whether the government policy changed over a period of time and what its impact on the plan. Additionally, the planners can review the previous plans to see any change on certain key information in the planning like demographic information on the number of the target population, social, economic and cultural factors, community engagement in the process and health delivery. Similarly, the review of the previous plans provides information on the change about resources like human, financia l and material resources and about the performance of the previous plans. 1.2. Setting directions This step involves goals and objectives setting and the establishment of the standards against which the existing health/ illness status or existing organisational or system performance will be compared with. Simply put, at this stage, health planners seek to answer the key question â€Å"where do we want to go?† or â€Å"what do we want to achieve†. In other words, the health planners identify the desirable future state or outcome for the issue in question. For example, during the planning process of the project intended to fight against malaria in the district, those involved may set the target of having zero death due to malaria in the district during a certain period. 1.3. Identification of problems and challenges This step is concerned with the identification and quantification of the shortfalls between the existing situation and the desirable situation. To identify problems and challenges, the available data should be taken into consideration; data from health information management system, community surveys, census, reports, and anecdotes alike. Problems can be either primary or secondary. On one hand, Primary problems include illnesses identified in the community like malaria, tuberculosis HIV infection, leprosy or other related to socioeconomic factors like inequity, unfairness or patient dissatisfaction. On the other hand, secondary problems or contributory problems are those problems related to poor health systems like shortage of health resources, poor health delivery services and poor management skills which contribute to the primary problems (Chatora Tumusiime, 2004). For example, during the process of planning the project to fight against malaria, planners have to make use of various data sources to determine the causes of the deficit between the current situation and the desired situation about malaria in their district 1.4. Identification of range of solutions to problems and challenges At this stage, a range of solutions to each identified problem and challenge is identified. Also, at this stage, an assessment of each possible solution, using criteria like feasibility with the available resources, cost-effectiveness, is done so that each solution can be compared with each other to ease the process of prioritisation. For example, in planning process about community health project to fight against malaria, each identified problem and challenge that impede the initiatives to fight malaria a solution should be sought to it. However, given the complexity of this step in identifying solutions to the problems and challenges, creativity is of paramount importance as some problems and challenges may not have readily available solutions (Ardal al, 2006). 1.5. Identification of preferred solutions This step is concerned with the selection of a solution or a range of solutions to deal with the identified problems and challenges in the above step. The selection of the solutions may require to take into consideration fiscal and political context and other limiting factors (Ardal al, 2006). For example, in choosing solutions to the problems and challenges to the fight against malaria, government policies and guidelines and the available resources and other limiting factors should be not be ignored. 1.6. Implementation This step deals with the implementation of the selected solutions and it is preceded by the development of implementation plan. 1.7. Evaluation It stated that this step may start with the development of an evaluation plan well prior to the actual evaluation. This step is concerned with the evaluation of the outcomes of the implemented solutions to determine if the latter resulted in achieving the goals set in the planning process. It is also concerned with the evaluation of the environment in which the plan was carried out to determine if any change occurred hence helping depict whether the implemented solutions were less effective, more effective or irrelevant. Additionally, it involves developing ongoing tracking system methods to be used to continuously make identification and assessment of the planned or unplanned outcomes of the implemented actions (Ardal al, 2006). 2. Various ways to effect organisational change Healthcare organisations, like any other organisations, either public or private constantly undergo changes. The need for change or reform in these organisations is reported to be fundamental to the management process. Managers of these organisations need to adapt how they work when faced with contextual changes such as the emerging new technologies, changes in environmental pressures, demographics, political ideologies, socioeconomic context and rising demand and cost (Goodwin et al, 2006). So, organisations have to change as their internal and external environment constantly change. Numerous models and theories of change management have been proposed in the literature. These models include the 7-S model, PESTELI, soft systems methodology, Kurt Lewin’s classic three-phase model of change-unfreeze, move or change and unfreeze, John Kotter’s popular 8 step change model, etc. (Goodwin et al,2006; The State of Queensland, 2014). It is stated that each model has its own advantages and disadvantages and no one approach is best in all circumstances. â€Å"Indeed it is not so much the actual model or theory that is important, but more that the approach that is taken is relevant to the circumstances† (The state of Queensland, 2014). In essence, the best change model appear to make use of and adjust aspects of various models to meet the culture of the organisation in question and the context of change needed. Basically, it is reported that the goal of all change management is to secure the involvement of each and every one to the change and align indiv idual and team behaviour and skills with the change (The state of Queensland, 2014): For the case of the director of the Directorate of Public Health who needs to replenish the image of the organisation after observing that it was getting negative, below are the proposed ways that can be partaken to effect the health organisational change. They are the analytical tools that they can be used to develop a coherent strategic response to the situation like the one mentioned above. The 7S model PESTELI Soft systems methodology Process modelling SWOT analysis 2.1. The 7S model The 7S model is one of the diagnostic tools that healthcare organisation managers can use to conduct situational analysis to assess the gap between what is and what ought to be and it is often a tool that can be used for the justification for change management programmes. This model suggests that there are seven criteria which require the harmonisation of each other. These criteria are the following: Strategy: this criteria is concerned with the plan or course of action that leads to the allocation of organisation’s resources to achieve its goals. Structure: This involves the outstanding characteristics of the organisational chart. This is related to the organisational leadership structure and how its parts are interconnected inside the organisation. Systems: This criterion is concerned with the processes and procedures and the information flow around the organisation. Staff: This criterion is concerned with the categories of human resources within the organisation. Style: This is related to leadership style that the managers use to reach the organisation’s goals. Shared values: This is concerned with the guiding principles that the organisation instil to its members. Skills: This is related to the staff capacity of the organisation. Goodwin et al (2006) state that the 7S model can be used in two ways: in identifying strengths and weaknesses by taking into consideration the linkage between each criteria and how change made in one criterion will impact on all of the others. Despite its attractiveness of its dual emphasis on soft and hard organisational components, it is criticised of providing one-sided organisational culture with the only sole focus on the similarities that stick to the organisation and ignore other important aspects like conflict and disagreement (Goodwin et al, 2006). 2.2. PESTELI PESTELI is described as checklist used to analyse the environment in which the organisation operates. It stands for: P: Political factors: political impetus and influences that have an effect on organisational performance or other options open to the organisation. E: Economic influences: competitive nature that the organisation faces and the financial resources available within the economy. S: Social trends: change in demographics, trends in the behaviour and attitude of people regarding how they live, work and think. T: Technological innovations: new ways of doing new and old things and mitigating new or old problems; be it equipment or new ways thinking or organising. E: Ecological factors: this involves defining wider ecological system to which the organisation belongs and the manner the latter interacts with. L: Legislative requirement: these extend from the employment law to environmental regulations. I: Industry analysis: this is concerned with reviewing of the rousing quality of the industry to which the organisation belongs. As the 7S model, PESTELI can be used to conduct an analysis of the favouring factors in the environment in which the organisation operates and those that hinder the progress (Goodwin et al, 2006). 2.3. Soft systems methodology It is a tool which helps in articulating complex social processes. This is done by bringing together concerned people so that they can express their points of view, challenge them and test them. The following steps are undertaken when using this tool: Identify a problem and its causes from the stakeholders, cultural and political perspectives, without any attempt to impose a preconceived structure or to over-simplify the processes in place. Articulate root definitions of relevant systems: purpose, dynamics, inputs and outputs. Discuss on the situation with the stakeholders by describing the needed activities to achieve the root definitions using for instance process mapping tool or cause-and-effect diagram. Compare models with reality by observing, discussing and defining what to alter on the structure, process and attitude. Take action to implement the proposed solutions. Despite the importance of this tool in making change happening, it was criticised of being time consuming and costly. Also, there are concerns of whether organisational members are enough motivated to undertake the task to its end (Iles and Sutherland, 2001 cited in Goodwin et al, 2006). 2.4. Process modelling Process modelling is used as an approach to capture and clarify different views and expectations of a process. It helps increase the understanding of the situation at hand and how the proposed new one will make a difference. Simply put, the aim of this tool is to capture the dynamics of a situation so that those involved can brainstorm and come up with the best practices to change the current process. 2.5. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is another important tool used to examine an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, its opportunities for growth and improvement, and the threats the external environment presents to its survival (Harrison, 2010). It is a systematic way of examining why an organization needs to change. SWOT stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This tool can be used in combination with other tool. For example, it is used together with the 7S model to identify organisational internal factors and PESTELI to identify external factors that hinder the growth or the normal functioning of the organisation. REFERENCES ARDAL, S. ET AL, 2006. The Health Planner’s Toolkit. [6-11-14]. CHATORA, R., TMUSIIME,P., 2004. District Health Management Team Training Modules. Module 4: Planning and Implementation of District Health Services. [5-11-14]. GOODWIN, N. ET AL., 2006. Managing Health Services. London: Open University Press. HARRISON,J., 2010. Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare. Washington: AUPHA Press. THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND, 2014. Change Management Best Practices Guide: Five (5) key factors common to success in managing organisational. change [6-11-14]. 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Career In Marketing Essay -- Careers Jobs essays research papers

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Choosing a career in marketing can lead a person in many different directions within the defined roles of marketing. Composed of many facets and activities marketing careers offer a variety of avenues for the career minded to explore while offering growth and opportunities for advancement. A common denominator for many who choose a career in this field is the sense of ownership, or entrepreneurial spirit with regards to the products or services that they are working to market. Marketing requires that an understanding of customers’ needs and desires be acquired and then translated into both product development as well as communications as part of the marketing strategy. This paper will explore what is entailed in a career in marketing, as well as what the future holds for the profession. Because marketing professionals are needed by every company and in every industry, the career potential and chances for finding ones niche within the career field are virtua lly unlimited. Basics of Marketing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A good definition of marketing is the process of the intermediary function between product development and sales. (Reddy ) The field of marketing entails taking a generic product or generic service (the product or services do not have to be â€Å"generic† they may be actually unique to the marketplace) and associating the generic product with a brand name (Petty 2001). Under this generic concept are the activities of advertising, public relations, media planning, sales strategy and so on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing professionals create, manage and/or enhance brands in order to create or bolster demand for the product. A successful marketing plan will help assure that consumers look beyond just the price or function of a product when making a purchasing decision, in part, a well planned marketing effort will create a â€Å"feel good† association about the product the consumer is about to purchase (Petty) A key part of a career in marketing is to understand the needs, preferences, and constraints that define the target group of consumers or the market niche corresponding to the brand. This is done by market research. This is accomplished through market research, essentially using survey techniques, statistics, psychology and social understanding to help gather information on what consumers want and/or need, and then designing products, or services, to hopefully meet ... per week. (Locke) Those entering the field must be able to work well under pressure and thrive off meeting deadlines and goals that are set. In some positions, substantial travel is not uncommon. In spite of the rigors associated with a career in marketing the outlook for the profession is bright. Marketing is a vital necessity not only for business firms, but is also needed and utilized by governments, educational, religious, social service, and nonprofit organizations or institutions. Perhaps the most alluring aspect of a career in marketing is the fact that it provides a great number and variety of job opportunities, and can offer opportunities to both number crunchers as well as intuitive creative people as well. Bibliography Beckman Theodore N. Davidson William R. (1997) Marketing; Ronald Press Inc. Hills Gerald (1994) Marketing and Entrepreneurship; Quorum Books Locke Christopher, (2001) Gonzo Marketing: Winning through Worst Practices; Perseus Publishing Petty Ross D. Editor's Introduction: The What and Why of Marketing; American Business Journal, Vol. 36, 1999 Reddy C. Allan (1999) Quality Marketing:, Gaining Markets Shares; Quorum Books, 1998

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Reuniting the Grey Wolf :: science

Reuniting the Grey Wolf In 1914 the United States Congress approved the funding to destroy wolves. Many of the Government bounty hunters decided to help farmers to protect there livestock from the destructive creatures. Sixty years later the wolves are considered as endangered. In 1973 the United State Congress passed another law (Endangered Species Act) this act stated that all endangered species could not be killed by anyone or they would face a fine of one thousand dollars and as much as one year in jail. So many organizations started programs to help the wild life one of which was called the Wolf Recovery Program. The Wolf Recovery Program was set to help gray wolfs adapted back into there natural habitat. Since the program has been started they have introduced over 160 new wolves into the wild. But not everybody was in favor of reintroducing wolves into the wild. Today the United States Fish and Wild life Service have been considering the removal of the gray wolf from the endangered species list once I daho, Montana, and Wyoming raise enough wolves to be considered to continue to expand the wolf population, this requires that each of the three states have to have a management plan in effect to prevent the gray wolf from becoming endangered again. With the current attitude of the governments in these states federal support under the Endangered Species Act it would only serve to cause the wolves to become endangered once more, or at least, hold to absolute minimum of the population that the state scan pass off as a self-sustaining population. Many of the states like Idaho want to get rid of the gray wolves completely rid of in fact it has been said that â€Å"The State of Idaho is on the record asking the federal government to remove wolves from the state by the adoption in 2001 of House Joint Memorial No. 5. The position reflected in House Joint Memorial No. 5 continues to be the official position of the State of Idaho†. Now these are the problems facing the gray wolfs today . Farmers Many of the states legislature made room for the destruction of the gray wolf because they value the economies farming industries more than the preservation of wild life. The farmer aren’t helping with the restoration with many unsubstantial losses with no attempt to validate these statements. The settlers would let there cattle to roam off public property.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cultural background Essay

1. How do cultures shape minds? The cultural ancestry of a certain individual often makes an impression on the individual itself. However, if the individual is more often exposed to a certain culture that is totally different from their ancestry, there is a greater chance of adapting to the said culture in order for them to â€Å"fit-in† with the population. 2. What cultures affect middle and high school students? The Hispanic/Mexican and Asian cultures have more effect on middle and high school students since they make sure that the next generation realize the importance of having their own distinct culture regardless of their ability to adapt to the cultural conditions of the country where they reside. 3. What literacies influence student’s thinking and behavior in and out of school? Literacy in the English language is the major influence followed by literacy in cultural heritage. 4. Where is our adolescent literacy crisis rooted? It lies in the ability of the adolescent to adjust to both the family and social environment in relation to their quest for knowledge during their formative years. 5. How can teachers respond to literacy and learning challenges in their content area classrooms? The teachers can set the learning pace that would put the students, regardless of intellect or cultural background, at ease in the classrooms making them eager to learn more.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Collective bargaining

Eighty five percent of renegotiation strikes are attributed to economics. Question 6 5 out Of 5 points Where represented employees cross picket lines, the union's bargaining power is decreased because their crossing increases the employer's ability to operate. True Question 7 In a slowdown, employees can seldom be disciplined because they are complying with the contract Question 8 In a single-employer negotiation, there is a dire need to defend against a whipsaw. False Question 9 Private sector fact finders are not very successful on distributive bargaining Issues. Question 10IS called after a contract expires and usually after there is an impasse to pressure the employer to settle on the union's terms. An economic strike Question 11 A slowdown most often involves working to rules. Question 12 strikes most frequently involve plant administration issues and generally last three days or less. Wildcat Question 13 Under the Taft-Hartley Act, if the parties are at an impasse and the contr act has expired, in most circumstances the union is free to strike and the employer is free to lock out employees. Question 14 Sometimes the objects of a strike move from place to place, such as a ship Ewing struck by a seafarers union.Which type of picketing is likely in such situations? Ambulatory site Question 15 An initiative explores a company's business activity to uncover possible regulatory violations, tries to identify closely linked corporations, and analyzes its financial statements. The second phase involves publicizing items detrimental to the employer's interests that support the union's demands. What is this initiative an example of? Corporate campaign Question 16 Which of the following firms might find it feasible to continue to operate using supervisors and other nonproductive workers?A firm with continuous flow operations Question 17 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service mediators almost always have prior experience in negotiating contracts from the management perspective. Question 18 According to a study, mediation strategies most often cited by unions as hastening settlement included devising an improved negotiating framework. Question 19 Why are mediators unlikely to influence the direction of the outcome? Because their concern is not what either party achieves. Question 20 Which of the following observations concerning boycotts is true? Boycotts are seldom used. TEST 05 Results DisplayedSubmitted Answers, Incorrectly Answered Questions Where strikes are banned, grievance rates are higher, particularly on economic issues. Public sector labor relations are similar across the 50 states. Duty-to-bargain laws substantially increase unionization beyond other public policy measures favorable to public sector unions. A study of firefighters' negotiations found that several factors predicted positive union outcomes. Which of these factors reflects multilateral bargaining? Elected official intervention at impasse What is the relationship betwe en the costs of arbitration and the likelihood of parties negotiating their own settlement? Collective Bargaining Granville contract is due to expire soon. Therefore, we will be negotiating a new contract for the plant employees. We plan to get a commitment from the management for a strong contract comparable to the hard work done by our brothers and sisters In Granville. Our task at hand may be difficult due to the Introductory of a new plant, and technology, but, we shall persevere. The economy Is year. We would like to get our goals accomplished by working together with management through compromise and aligning our contract along with the business strategy.But, if there is a failure to reach a compromise, we will use the leverages of work slow-down, strike, and boycott. We plan to strive for better wages, dual control of technological and location change, pension increase, and the approval of the SUB plan. We have worked diligently for competitive contracts In the past and a better life for all employees nation wide. Lobbying with Congress through our affiliate unions, we have made considera ble strides for all employees throughout the nation. This Includes the Family Leave Act, which granted the rights of employees to take time off to spend with a new child or sick family member.We have also worked toward the initiation of the unfair Labor Act, which granted employees the ability to bring litigation against unlawful discharge of employment. Wages Our first major issue is wages. The employees of Granville have stressed the need to have a considerable wage increase, due to the ever increasing cost of living and need for alignment with industry standards. We will strive for a competitive wage and cost of living Increase that will give the employees as larger pay scale to be accessed. As of now, 75% of our workforce is at the top of the pay scale with marginal cost of living Increases annually.We would like a major change In this area. Technology Our second major Issue Is Installation of new technology. The employees have concerns about being displaced due to new equipment being used at the Newton plant. There is not yet an official decision to move equipment or employees to that plant as of yet, but it could cause a decline in the number employed at Granville. We plan to ask the company for more specific information on their plans for the technological investments. If the equipment shall be used at Granville, we do not want any displacement, and will strive for cross-training of all skilled and semi-skilled employees.Layoffs Third, there is concern for layoffs if the technological investment affects the number employed at Granville. We will make every effort to gain approval of the SUB plan. This will allow employees knowledge of the plant downsizing or closure. It will also provide them with adequate compensation for being discharged. Employees are willing to take a $. 25 tradeoff If It Is approved. Retirement Benefits Forth, the older workers are especially concerned with this area. A 75% of pay at the will strive for these benefits due to the dec line of the Social Security system in our economy.Our employees need this demand granted for the protection of their senior years. Employees are willing to acquiesce too $. 35 trade-off for increased retirement benefits. Working Conditions Lastly, the health plan, vacation, and holidays will be reviewed as possible trade-offs with management. These items will add to the living conditions of the Granville employees. The highest possible gains possible in negotiation will be sought. And in conclusion, we feel that dual participation with management is very important. A successful agreement can be reached through mutuality and compromise among OTOH parties. Collective bargaining Eighty five percent of renegotiation strikes are attributed to economics. Question 6 5 out Of 5 points Where represented employees cross picket lines, the union's bargaining power is decreased because their crossing increases the employer's ability to operate. True Question 7 In a slowdown, employees can seldom be disciplined because they are complying with the contract Question 8 In a single-employer negotiation, there is a dire need to defend against a whipsaw. False Question 9 Private sector fact finders are not very successful on distributive bargaining Issues. Question 10IS called after a contract expires and usually after there is an impasse to pressure the employer to settle on the union's terms. An economic strike Question 11 A slowdown most often involves working to rules. Question 12 strikes most frequently involve plant administration issues and generally last three days or less. Wildcat Question 13 Under the Taft-Hartley Act, if the parties are at an impasse and the contr act has expired, in most circumstances the union is free to strike and the employer is free to lock out employees. Question 14 Sometimes the objects of a strike move from place to place, such as a ship Ewing struck by a seafarers union.Which type of picketing is likely in such situations? Ambulatory site Question 15 An initiative explores a company's business activity to uncover possible regulatory violations, tries to identify closely linked corporations, and analyzes its financial statements. The second phase involves publicizing items detrimental to the employer's interests that support the union's demands. What is this initiative an example of? Corporate campaign Question 16 Which of the following firms might find it feasible to continue to operate using supervisors and other nonproductive workers?A firm with continuous flow operations Question 17 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service mediators almost always have prior experience in negotiating contracts from the management perspective. Question 18 According to a study, mediation strategies most often cited by unions as hastening settlement included devising an improved negotiating framework. Question 19 Why are mediators unlikely to influence the direction of the outcome? Because their concern is not what either party achieves. Question 20 Which of the following observations concerning boycotts is true? Boycotts are seldom used. TEST 05 Results DisplayedSubmitted Answers, Incorrectly Answered Questions Where strikes are banned, grievance rates are higher, particularly on economic issues. Public sector labor relations are similar across the 50 states. Duty-to-bargain laws substantially increase unionization beyond other public policy measures favorable to public sector unions. A study of firefighters' negotiations found that several factors predicted positive union outcomes. Which of these factors reflects multilateral bargaining? Elected official intervention at impasse What is the relationship betwe en the costs of arbitration and the likelihood of parties negotiating their own settlement?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Impact of Advertising on Youth Essay

Definition Youth is considered as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to the independence of adulthood. Due to the expansion of global higher education and delayed marriage, the period of time from youth to adulthood has been extended longer compared to before the expansion. As a result, the marketers, educators and policy makers consider youth stage as a stage that is becoming more important to them (Assaad and Roudi-Fahimi, 2007). According to United Nation (UN), they define ‘youth’ as â€Å"those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years† (UNESCO, 2013). Malaysia follows the United Nation’s definition of youth by changing the old age group of youth from 18 to 40 years old to the new age group of 18 to 25 years old under a new National Youth Policy (The Star Online, 2011). Based on Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014, the number of population for age structure 15 to 24 years old is 2, 580, 486 for male and 2, 511, 579 for female (Index Mundi, 2014). Consumer purchasing behaviour or also known as consumer buyer behaviour is studied to be an inseparable part of marketing and Schiffman (2007) state that consumer buying behaviour is â€Å"the behaviours that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs†. Advertising is a marketers’ technique and a method of communication to encourage and persuade potential or current consumers. These potential or current consumers can be viewers, readers or listeners and they will be persuaded to continue using the marketers’ services or products or take some new action after the advertisement. Sponsors commonly paid for the advertising messages and it can be viewed by means of numerous traditional media and new media (Upadhyay & Joshi, 2014). Advertising Industry in Malaysia In Malaysia, the advertising industry is considered as a profitable business. Malaysia spends about RM2.39 billion in the first half of the year 2007 and this is a 9% increase from the same period in the year 2006 where it is RM2.2 billion. This shows there is a steady growth for this industry in Malaysia (The Report Malaysia, 2008). Furthermore, from the year 2000, there is an increase of 76% for advertising expenditure with cinema, point-of-sale and radio advertising experiencing a triple-digit growth for this same period of time (The Report Malaysia, 2008). Although this industry is lucrative for business, the content for advertisement is highly restricted by the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code (MCMCC, 2009). Aim Malaysia’s total advertising expenditure rose 22% by the first half of 2008  compared to the last year’s advertising expenditure. This accounted to the expenditure of RM2.9 billion alone for advertisement (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 2009). There is no certainty that the money spent on advertisements will give the necessary profits that these companies expected to gain. Due to the fact that the highest purchasing power belongs to the youths, the companies should target the existing youth market. In order to target this market, companies should be equipped with extensive knowledge on which aspect of advertisement that heavily influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. This research aims to find the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. As youth purchasing power is on the rise and the content of advertisement is highly restricted by the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code, it is imp erative for the marketers and advertisers to understand what aspects of advertisement that appeals to the eyes of the youth consumers. Motivation of this Study Global youth market is â€Å"an impressionable and loyal market that are making decisions and gathering information on products and companies that could last a lifetime† (Maddock, n.d.). The international marketers and advertisers consider the global youth market as a noteworthy market to consider due to its size, homogeneity and its rising purchasing power. Due to the consideration that they are a significant market, these knowledgeable consumers that are in the youth market have been sniped with promotions for most of their lives. Although there are many types of marketing weapons that can be used to influence them, advertising still remains as the main weapon due to its longer impact on viewer’s mind (Katke, 2007). Even though it is a known fact that youths’ purchasing power is on the rise compared to other range of age, there are still limited researches that have been done regarding this topic. Most researches centred on the relationship between advertising and general consumer purchasing behaviour in other countries. There are inadequate amount of research that was done concerning the relationship between advertising and youths’ purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. Therefore, this research is made to understand what makes an advertisement desirable to the Malaysian youths and its influences on their purchasing behaviour. Problem Statements The world in year 2014 is home to 1.8 billion young people from the age of 10 until 24 (UNFPA, 2014) and majority of the purchasing power belongs to them. This makes them the most persuasive in making purchasing decisions in terms of food, clothing and cars to entertainment and family vacations. They even have a say on what type of home they will live in (Jennifer Waters, 2006). This makes the youths an important target market for advertising agency and companies all around the world. The primary mission of advertisement is to reach the intended consumer and influence their awareness attitudes and buying behaviour. As they spend a huge sum of money to maintain the consumer’s interest in their products, they need to understand what catches the consumer’s interest. Furthermore, due to the heavy regulated nature of this business, it is vital to evaluate the factors of youths’ attitude towards advertising to discover what antecedents that would affect youths’ preferences are. Research Questions The research questions are as follows: 1. Which aspect of advertisement influence youths in purchasing the product or service? 2. What is the relationship between advertisement and youths purchasing behaviour? 3. Why is advertising critical in ensuring the survival of the company? Research Objectives The objectives of this research are to: 1. Identify the aspects of advertisement which influences youths in purchasing the product or service. 2. Determine the relationship between advertisement and youths’ purchasing behaviour. 3. Ascertain the importance of advertising in ensuring the survival of the company. Scope of this Research This research centres around the impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour. In this research, youth is considered as anyone from age 18 to 24 years old. Furthermore, this research will be conducted at four different private universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (HELP University, Open University and University of Kuala Lumpur) as there is a limited amount of  money and time to travel to anywhere else. In addition, this research only consider students from different courses; one course per one private university. This research will only test whether the Independent Variables (credibility, informative, hedonic/pleasure, good for economy) influences the Dependent Variable (impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour). Significance of this research All companies in Malaysia spend a huge sum of money on marketing strategy of advertisement to introduce the product or services that they provide in market to consumers. Furthermore, with the restrictions to create creative advertisements from the Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Content Code, it made the job of the advertisers harder due to restricted contents that are allowed in an advertisement. Therefore, through this research, marketers and advertisers are able to identify the aspects of advertisements that youths in Malaysia prefer to have in an advertisement. This will help to save a lot of the marketing world’s expenditure and time as they are able to come up with a more efficient, successful and popular advertisement to suit the taste of youths in Malaysia. Theoretical Framework The dependent variable for this research is ‘impact of advertising on youth purchasing behaviour’. This research aims to find the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. The first independent variable is ‘credibility’. According to MacKenzie and Lutz (1989), advertising credibility is consumers’ overall awareness towards the honesty, reliability, dependability and credibility of an advertisement. The second independent variable is ‘informative’. As recipients react very positively towards advertisements that provide information, information is treated as a very valuable incentive in the marketing world (Varshney, 2003). The third independent variable in this research is ‘hedonic or pleasure’. Abd Aziz, Mohd Yasin, and Syed A. Kadir (2008) found that advertisements can be pleasurable and entertaining in enticing and retaining attention given to customers’ desires and requirements. Lastly, the fourth independent variable  is ‘good for economy’. Based on the research done by Bauer and Greyser (1968), over 70 percent of their research sample believed that the living standard increased due to advertising and this in turn led to good products. Underpinning Theory The underpinning theory that will be used as a guidance to accomplish part of this research is the Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner. This marketing communication model that was created in the year 1961 suggests that there are six stages that an advertiser has to guide the consumer to go through. After these six stages, the consumer has to decide whether to buy or not the products or services offered. The six stages comprises of awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and the final stage, purchase (Nguyen, 2013). This research will be using the Hierarchy of Effects Model as a guide to develop the questions in the research’s questionnaire and also as a guide to analyse and understand the research’s results. Proposed Research Methodology The main purpose of this research is â€Å"To Evaluate the Impact of Advertising on Youths’ Purchasing Behaviour† among Malaysian youths. A survey will be conducted amongst the private university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and a thorough analysis of the results will be made. Sample Size A sample of â€Å"200† questionnaires will be distributed for the purpose of study and analysis. Sampling Unit Sampling unit consist of private university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sampling Technique Convenience sampling technique (non-probability sampling) is going to be used for the survey. Questionnaire will be filled by the private university students. Data collection: data will be collected through primary and secondary sources. 1. Primary data: primary data are going to be collected with the assistance of structured questionnaire. 2. Secondary data: Source of secondary data is going to be collected using the help of published reports, journals, and credible websites. Sample In this research, the sample will consists of 200 students (N = 200) selected from university students from four private universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia using convenient sampling technique. The sample size will be consisted of university students of age between 18 to 24 years old from four different courses. Survey Instruments The main objective of this research is to analyse the impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour for private university students in Kuala Lumpur. The data for this research will be collected by well developed, structured five point Likert Scale questionnaires. All of the questionnaires are going to be distributed among the students from four different private universities of four different courses. The answers from the questionnaire will be collected in a period of two weeks and the results will be analysed and evaluated using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 of IBM. The questionnaire is divided into two sections; section I and section II. Section I contains questions about the awareness about the advertisements and section II contains questions that describes the recent purchase the private students had done with the assistance of the advertisements that they have seen and attracted to. For this research, the Likert scale will contain a five point scale where number 1 is for strongly agrees while number 5 if for strongly disagrees. The five point Likert scale will be defined as below to help with the analysis of the results. (Number 1) Strongly agree (Number 2) Agree (Number 3) Neutral/No opinion (Number 4) Disagree (Number 5) Strongly disagree Conclusion Advertising industry is a very lucrative industry in Malaysia as it is able to make a high profit in a short time. The same cannot be said for any company that invests a huge amount of money in to make advertisements for their products or services. Advertising is a risk that companies have to  take in order to spread awareness to consumers about their new or existing products. When a particular advertisement is successful in catching the consumers’ attention and able to convince them to purchase the product or services, the sales for the company will increase but when it fails, the profits drops. As companies need to take such high risks every time they need to produce advertisements, it is important for them to know which market has the highest purchasing power and to have knowledge on how to attract these potential consumers. It is identified that youths have the highest purchasing power among all range of ages and this research aims to identify the factors of advertising that influences the youths’ purchasing behaviour. This research’s theoretical framework consists of four independent variables that are credibility, informative, hedonic/pleasure and good for economy and the dependent variable is impact of advertising on youths’ purchasing behaviour. In order to execute the research, Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner will be used as an underpinning theory. Five point Likert Scale questionnaires will be distributed and collected in two weeks to university students from four different private universities. This research will be done in hopes that companies are able to produce more stimulating and successful advertisements to youths. References Abd Aziz, N., Mohd Yasin, N., & Syed A. Kadir, B. (2008). Web advertising beliefs and attitude: Internet users’ view. 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Journal of Marketing, 53, 48-65. MCMCC, The Malaysian communications and multimedia content code. (1998, January 1). Retrieved from http: // (V6-Final).PDF. Maddock, T. (n.d.). Youth Marketing: Tips for reaching the lucrative teen, tween and college markets. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/youth_marketing_whitepaper.pdf Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014. (2014, A ugust 23). Retrieved from Nguyen, H. (2013). The Hierarchy Model of Advertising Effects: A Debate. International Integration, 92-96. Schiffman, L., Hansen, H., & Kanuk, L. (2007). Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook. London: Pearson Education. The Report Malaysia. (2008). London, UK: Oxford Business Group. Upadhyay, P., & Joshi, J. (2014). Impact of Advertising on Buying Behavior of Youth in Kota City with Special Reference to Branded Outfits. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), 2(2), 1-20. Varshney, U. (2003). Location management for mobile commerce applications in wireless internet environment. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 3(3), 236-255. Waters, J. (2006, October 11). Young, with tons of purchasing power. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from What do we mean by â€Å"youth†? (n.d.). Retrieved from