Thursday, May 7, 2020

Educational Framework For Inclusion Of Children With...

The literature review is organized in five sections. Firstly, the definition of disability will be considered followed by a discussion of the historical context of the terminology used. Second, research is presented to show how the government of Canada view and plan for individuals with impairments. Support for inclusion of children with disabilities in public settings will be examined. Third, typical language acquisition and socio-emotional development will be presented to examine the learning process of children with and without disabilities. Fourth, once autism is discussed, the concept of universal design for learning as an educational framework for inclusion will be explored. The educational framework for inclusion plays a crucial role in guiding the development of children with flexible learning environments to accommodate all individuals regardless of their learning differences. Fifth, a handbook of strategies will be presented with the purpose of assisting early childhood edu cators with important information regarding autism in addition to providing strategies and evidence-based interventions. The World Health Organization ‘s (2011) report defined disability as being complex, dynamic and a multidimensional highly debated problem that is part of the human condition. With aging, a disability may become a part of elderly individual’s daily lives. The WHO (2011) report described impairments as an issue in body structure or function, limitation in activities as beingShow MoreRelatedLegal Framework Supporting Inclusive Education1632 Words   |  7 Pages2.2 LEGAL FRAMEWORK SUPPORTING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. The International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981 and the United Nations Decade of Disabled People 1983-1992 led to major breakthroughs globally in the recognition of the rights of PWDs and in realization of international policies/framework to protect those rights. One of these rights is the right to education. This right is enshrined and reasserted in various international documents . The Statement and Framework for Action from the World ConferenceRead MoreTda 2.4 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children and Young People1458 Words   |  6 Pagesdiversity and inclusion in work with children and young people The current legislative framework protecting the equal rights of all children and young people are stated in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). These rights are extensive, including the right to education and the right for children and young people to have their views respected. The Children Act 1989 sets out the duty of local authorities to provide services according to the needs of all children and youngRead MoreHow Can An Early Years Setting Support The Needs Of Children With Speech Language And Communication Needs1116 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Needs of Children with Speech Language and Communication Needs Introduction This assignment aims to explore Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) with a focus on Speech, Language and communication needs (SLCN). This will be researched by having a brief look at the History of SEN including Legislation and the Warnock Report 1978 and the 1981 Education Act as according to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee Special Educational Needs review â€Å"TheRead MoreImproving Student Participation Is A Matter Of Importance1543 Words   |  7 Pagesparticipation is a matter of importance, since children are at times deprived of equal right to use inclusive education from early childhood through to adulthood. Inclusive education means eliminating the distinction between special and regular education and giving equal opportunities despite their level of disability. It implies that providing educational facilities to students with additional educational needs which are used by most other students. The word inclusion is based on the idea that schools shouldRead MoreTheme 1: Legislation. The Irish Constitution Enshrines1521 Words   |  7 Pagessociety. The State must ensure that children with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate fully in education through the removal of barriers that impede the realisation of their rights. International agreements and legislative provision for those with disabilities have witnessed considerable development. Worldwide, as people with disabilities challenged the stigmatising and limiting nature of segregated education, issues of equality of access and educational opportunity gained impetus. TheRead MoreEducational Policies For Inclusive Education1701 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"There is a direct correlation between the strength of inclusive education in schools and the values held by its leaders† (Porter AuCoin, 2012, p.146). The issue of inclusion is education is one that is surrounded by different ideological perspectives. In order to examine the policies surrounding inclusive education in Canada it is first necessary to understand the specific question at hand, who will be affected by the policy issue, as well as who has the power to make changes to this policyRead MoreInclusion Of Children With Disabilities885 Words   |  4 PagesInclusion, known as the act of including or being included within a group or structure. In today s world the act of inclusion within the classroom is becoming more and more well known in most schools. This could be the act of including a child with special needs or even a child where their second language is English. As recent as a hundred years ago, children with disabilities received little, if any, formal education. In the tradition of segregating students during the middle to late 19th centuryRead MoreIdentify the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice to the Promot ion of Equality and Valuing of Diversity.1402 Words   |  6 Pagesguidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. These policies must take account the rights of all children and young people. The policies in place work to ensure equality and inclusion; this can be conducted through the teaching and learning that occurs in the setting. However, the policies must also pay regard to the values and practice which are part of all aspects of school life. All work with children should be underpinned by the principles and values as stated in the National Occupational StandardsRead MoreInclusive Education For Children With Disabilities1631 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Inclusive education is where children with disabilities receive special education services in the general education setting. Many factors can make inclusion difficult or complex. Accommodating instruction to meet the educational needs of all students is one of the most fundamental problems in education. Many argue that inclusive practices benefit all students. While others argue that inclusive education is inadequately designed to meet the needs of exceptional students. Benefits of inclusiveRead MoreReflection On The Inclusion Improvement Plan856 Words   |  4 Pageslearning and reflective practice is one of the five principles of the early years learning Framework† (DEEWR, 2010. p. 7). It gives the educators an opportunity to look at the planning process, the successful areas of planning, the areas of improvement and progress and to get motivated to work better for the learning of children. The following reflection will highlight the merits of implementing the inclusion imp rovement plan, some of the issues that impact on educators’ capacity to provide an inclusive

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